Answer: is An analysis of data he has already collected.
Explanation: One can not perform survey or research study based on already collected data. Because data is variable here, which means by the time there are several changes took place in the data sample. Data analyses is the second last step performed in the market research study. A research which is based on already collected data leads toward wrong conclusions or null results. Hence, only fresh data is collected in order to perform market research study.
What is Market Research: The process in which we gather information about the needs and preferences of the consumer. There are two man type/methods of market research.
- Quantitative market research
- Qualitative market research
Steps to perform a market research process: The following are the steps carried out to perform a market research study.
- Identifying the problem or defining the objective of research
- Research objective's statement
- Making/planning the Research design
- Sample planning
- Data collection
- Data analyzing
- Final report (analyzing final results, preparing and presenting of report)