Speed of first train = 36 mph
Speed of second train = 60 mph
First train leaves Cincinnati at 2:00 PM
Second train leaves same station at 4:00 PM
Speed of second train is 24 mph faster than first train.
The second train overtakes the first at 7:00 PM
To find the speeds of each train.
First train:
Let speed of first train be =

Time of travel between 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM =

Distance traveled by 1st train in 5 hours in miles =

Second train:
Then, speed of second train will be =

Time of travel between 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM =

Distance traveled by second train in 3 hours in miles =

At 7:00 PM both trains meet as the second train overtakes the first. This means the distance traveled by both the trains is same at 7:00 PM as they both leave from same stations.
Thus, we have:

Solving for

Subtracting both sides by

Dividing both sides by 2.


Speed of first train = 36 mph
Speed of second train =
60 mph