You have to categorize the fossils depending upon the type of fossilization process. Here are the answers; the explanation will help with further understanding the fossilization processes.
A. Trilobite fossil
F. Trilobite fossil
B. Fossilized wood
G. Fossil dung
C. Fossil bee
I. Fossil fish
D. Fossil brachiopods
H. Fossil spider
Indirect impression:
E. Dinosaur track
G. Fossil dung
Step-by-step explanation:
The most common process of fossilization in which the remains of the organism, particularly, the internal cavities are replaced by the deposition of minerals carried by water or sediment.
Casts are formed when the actual remains and bones of the organism are dissolved, creating a depression or a mould that gradually fills with sediments to form a cast of the exact shape of the original.
The fossilization process in which only the residual carbon of the living organism remains leaving behind a thin carbon layer.
Fossilization that involves the preservation of the prints or impressions of animals and plants when the print is made in silt or mud. This mud or silt hardens to rock.
Amber is living organism preserved in fossilized tree resin.
Indirect Impression:
Indirect impressions are two dimensional imprints that do not contain any organic material from the organism itself but give a clue of its existence and biological activity. Footprints, tracks and excrement is fossilized in this manner.