The central theme of the story is the loss of innocence and a sudden awakening to the reality of life. Ravi realizes his insignificance and sees that the world continues without his presence. This moment of realization is like the death of childhood for him. The children chanting the lines “Remember me when I am dead…” creates a funereal atmosphere.
Just as twilight is the time when daylight slowly melds into darkness, in the story Ravi recognizes his insignificance at twilight. The pride and happiness he felt when he thought about winning the game changes into bitterness and shame when he realizes that he has lost his chance to win. Ravi becomes symbolic of a person seeking glory in life. His failure to be recognized by his friends reflects that our own sense of self may not be recognized by the rest of the word.
My views match the views of some of the participants in the group discussion. We agree on how the episode causes Ravi to lose some of his innocence. I disagree with the person who thought Ravi didn’t learn anything from the playing the game.