Step-by-step explanation:
This is the practise whose objective is to improve the genome, genetic quality and composition of individual organisms of human race. The practise involved the, application of principle of selective breeding aided with advanced technology, removal of undesired traits (which are regarded as inferior)and retaining or adding viable, high vigour traits (superior) to the genome of the organism.
Selective breeding is the choosing or careful selection of parents with desirable traits or quality and crossing or mating them to produce offspring (hybrid) of good vigour or desirable characteristic
It was first used in 1883 by Sir Francis Galton, who projected that the dynamism of human race for the future can be attained by selectively selecting desirable traits in individuals at the expense of undesirable ones.He concluded that aristocrats attained their status because of good genetic make up compare to the plebeians.
Critics of this practice pointed that; subjected the organisms to abuse because the principle or laws guiding the genetic selection depends political power of the group operating at the time.
2 it also violate basic human right with respect to right to reproduce' as the breeder determine when, who and how to reproduce
3. The practise also lead to loss concept of variation from poor specie diversity because the random mechanisms leading to variation has been replaced with selectively controlled human efforts