Here is the JAVA program:
import java.util.Scanner; // for importing scanner class
public class RomanToDecimal{ //class to convert roman numeral to decimal
static String romNum; // variable that stores roman numeral
static int decNum; //variable that stores decimal number
public static void main(String args[]) { //start of the program
//romtodec object created
RomanToDecimal romtodec = new RomanToDecimal();
//call function decimalConversion() that converts roman numeral to decimal
romtodec. decimalConversion();
//call function displayRomanNumeral to display the results of conversion
romtodec. displayRomanNumeral(romNum);
//call function to display the decimal no. of roman numeral
romtodec . displayDecimalNumber(decNum); }
//method decimalConversion to convert Roman numeral to decimal
public void decimalConversion () {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(; //to get input
//prompts user to enter a Roman numeral
System.out.print("enter a Roman numeral: ");
romNum = scan.nextLine(); //reads input
//stores the length of the entered Roman numeral
int length= romNum.length();
int number=0; //initializes number to 0
int prevNum = 0; //initializes previous number to 0
//loops through the length of the input Roman numeral
for (int i=length-1;i>=0;i--)
//charAt() method returns the roman numeral symbol at the index i
{ char symbol = romNum.charAt(i);
//every symbol will be converted to upper case
symbol = Character.toUpperCase(symbol);
//switch statement tests the symbol variable for equality against a list of //numerals given and each numeral is assigned its equal decimal value.
{ case 'I':
prevNum = number;
number = 1;
case 'V':
prevNum = number;
number = 5;
case 'X':
prevNum = number;
number = 10;
case 'L':
prevNum = number;
number = 50;
case 'C':
prevNum = number;
number = 100;
case 'D':
prevNum = number;
number = 500;
case 'M':
prevNum = number;
number = 1000;
break; }
/*checks if the number is greater than previous number
if the value of current roman symbol (character) is greater than the next
symbol's value. then add value of current roman symbol to the decNum
else subtract the value of current roman symbol from the value of its next symbol. */
if (number>prevNum)
{ decNum= decNum+number; }
decNum= decNum-number; }
//displays the decimal value of the roman numeral
public static void displayRomanNumeral (String romNum){
System.out.println ("The Roman numeral "+romNum+" is equal to decimal number"+decNum); }
//displays the number as decimal
public static void displayDecimalNumber (int decNum){
System.out.println ("The decimal number is: " + decNum); } }
enter a Roman numeral: MCXIV
The Roman numeral MCXIV is equal to decimal number 1114
enter a Roman numeral: CCCLIX
The Roman numeral CCCLIX is equal to decimal number 359
enter a Roman numeral: MDCLXVI
The Roman numeral MDCLXVI is equal to decimal number 1666