Option-(C,B): Dying for a higher cause or the benefit of others and dying in the company of friends and without pain.
Step-by-step explanation:
Around the globe different cultures have a very unique approach to the term "death".As there are a number of ways the concept is defined by the scholars, research workers and more over by the priests.But, according to the research work of "Van der Geet", the most peaceful and we can say desirable death is when the person is dying for some cause. As the cause can more over related to the person's ideas and perceptions about certain things inside the specific culture but the most important thing to such person is the idea of having a purpose of giving up on his or her's life.
Along, with that if the person dying is accompanied by his or her friends or the people who he or she holds dear to himself then it is visualized as a peaceful death because it is beveled that the soul of the person is seeing the whole scene of the death and if a person is accompanied by some of the friends then it is considered to be more peaceful in nature.