2. Producers are autotrophs while the consumers are heterotrophs in nature.
3. The primary consumers are the herbivores who get food from the producers, primary consumers are eaten by secondary consumers, they are carnivores and eventually, secondary consumers obtain their nutrition from secondary consumers. Secondary consumers can eat both omnivores and carnivore as their energy source.
4. Arrow point is at the predator
5 marsh grass (producer) is eaten by grasshopper (primary consumer), is consumed by shrew or frog (secondary consumer) are eaten by snake (tertiary consumer) is eventually consumed by hawk (higher consumer k/a the axial consumers).
It is to be noted that hawk can consume both snake and frog. Also, frog can prey upon shrew.
Step-by-step explanation:
2.Producers are green plants and some bacteria which can manufacture their food from sunlight, they are the one who initiates the food chain.
The heterotrophs get their nutrition from these plants and chain continues to be axial consumers.
3. In this hierarchy the energy is being transferred in the upward direction. The biomass is also segregated in the same hierarchy. This chain is necessary to maintain the stability of the ecosystem.