Answer: Congenital heart defect
Step-by-step explanation:
Aortic valve sterosis happens when the aortic valve of the heart narrows. Blood flow is reduced or blocked as a result of this narrowing. When the aortic valve is narrowed, the left ventricle thickens because it has to work harder to pump the needed blood into the aorta and the rest of the body, which overtime weakens the left ventricle.
One of the causes of the aortic valve narrowing is a Biscupid Aortic Valve which is a congenital heart defect. It is an genetic form of heart disease whereby two of the leaftets of the heart's aortic valve fuse during development in the womb, which ends up as a Biscupid valve (two-leaftet valve) instead of the normal Triscupid valve (three-leaftet valve).