The correct answer is : sustainable use
Step-by-step explanation:
- Sustainable use: The judicious and economical use of natural resources by the present generation such that the resources can be preserved for use by the successive generations is known as the Sustainable Use of Resources.
- Resource Selection : When a species selects a specific resource as the source of food or energy or shelter from among multiple available sources, the phenomenon is called Resource Selection.
- Biotic preservation : The protection of biotic organisms (plants, animals, micro-organisms) by in-situ ( in the habitat of the species) or ex-situ (outside the habitat of the species) conservation in national parks, sanctuaries and biosphere reserves to prevent them from becoming endangered or extinct due to natural disaster or human intervention.
- Biogeochemial cycling : The nutrient cycles operating on the earth, like nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, sulphur, phosphorus and water cycles, and their interaction with each other and the organisms living on earth constitute the Biogeochemical cycle.