Conditioned reflex
Step-by-step explanation:
As part of a fraternity hazing ritual, every time one of the fraternity brothers said the word "love", Alex was punched in the shoulder. In order to brace himself for the impact, Alex flinched every time he was punched. Last night, Alex’s girlfriend told him that she loved him and Alex flinched. She told him she loved him a few more times that evening (without punching him in the shoulder) and Alex eventually stopped flinching.US = punching in the shoulderCS = saying the word"love"UR = flinchingCR = flinchingThe fact that Alex no longer flinched when with his girlfriend is an example of conditioned reflex.
Conditioned reflex is a trained response to a neutral or normal stimulus.
Alex girlfriend telling him she loves him in a neutral stimulus, however because of the experience during his initiation, Alex has to condition his reflex by purposeful training not to flinch anymore whenever his girlfriend says I love you.