Total shareholder return has increased in the past fiscal year. ECONOMIC
Provides disaster relief to Haiti, donating various hygiene products. SOCIAL
Working to improve and preserve the quality of water within regions and communities where operations take place to avoid contributing to water scarcity. ENVIRONMENTAL
Partners with Feeding America to help fight hunger. SOCIAL
Partners with UNICEF to provide vaccinations to women and children at risk for maternal and neonatal tetanus. SOCIAL
Plans to eliminate manufacturing waste that is currently sent to landfills. ENVIRONMENTAL
Planning to create products and packaging in such a way that consumer waste goes to recycling, compost, or waste to-energy rather than landfills. ENVIRONMENTAL
Moving toward 100% renewable energy to power plants to completely eliminate petroleum-based CO2 emissions. ENVIRONMENTAL
Shareholder's equity decreased from 2013 to 2014. ECONOMIC
Funds nongovernmental organizations' efforts to educate children in India. SOCIAL
When examining these statements, it is only important to see which segment it influences the most. However, it is important to emphasize that every statement can impact more than one segment. Of course, it will mainly influence one segment, but it can implicitly affect other segments too.