Line 1 shows array of integers. Line 2 calculates one integer from array values. Line 3 calculates integer from value of line 2 and one value from array. Line 4 shows double value of array instance.
Step-by-step explanation:
Line 1: In this line we have a declaration of 3 integer values in a form of an array.
Line 2: This line declares variable i which will sum first value of array and second value. In arrays we are starting count from 0 not from 1. Which means that intArray[0] will be 1 and intArray[1] will be 2. When we sum those two int i will be 3.
Line 3: This line declares int j and it sums up result from Line 2 and object from array at second position which is 3 (start counting from 0 as explained before). int j will be 6.
Line 4: This line declares variable d as double. Value of d will be first element of array which is 1. Output will be displayed as 1.0 because double is declaration for decimal numbers.