The python program to this question as follows:
usernum= 2000 #define variable usernum and assign value
x=2 #define variable x and assign value
result = '' #define variable result
for i in range(4): #loop for calculate value
usernum =usernum//x #divide value
result += (' '+str(usernum)) #collect value
print(result) #print value
1000 500 250 125
Step-by-step explanation:
In the above python program code firstly, two integer variable is defined that is "usernum and x" in which variable usernum holds a value that is "2000" and variable x holds a value that is "2", and a string variable result has defined, that store the calculated values.
- In the next step, a for loop is declare that runs four times, in which the usernum variable divides its value by variable x and stores all the values in string variable result.
- In the last print, function is used to print result variable value.