Step-by-step explanation:
Dehydration is the loss of total body water, resulting in alteration of metabolic takes place when the free water loss by the body is far greater than the fluid intake. This occurs when the environmental temperature exceed the limits, or effects of diseases or rigorous exercise.
About 92% of blood is water;(depending on venous or arterial blood) therefore when dehydration occurs, the blood volume drops. The body compensated for this by releasing Vasopressin from the pituitary glands under the influence of the the brain. Vasopressin consticts the blood vessels, making the blood pressure to rise:hypertension.
The heart beat faster because of the rise in blood pressure, with the increase in heart beat/ second ; high heart rate.
Due to disruption of electrolyte balance of the body, dehydration leads to muscle cramps. SPECIFICALLY VITAMIN B1, B6 AND B5 depletion leads to muscle cramps.These are water soluble vitamins that are greatly lost during dehydration, via sweating.
Glucose, potassium, sodium, water, calcium and other metabolites are needed for efficient functioning of muscle proteins(actin and myosin, troponin amd tropomyosin ). Therefore loss of these metabolites affects the physiology of muscle cells.