Step-by-step explanation:
In the 1960s computers developed from mainframes to mini-computers and personal computers and today's iPhone is the progression of information technology over the last 50 years.
In addition to the so-called EDP to information management system, the electronic data processing was popularly known as MIS technology, and made life easier and better.
In comparison to EDP, the use of computers is called automated data processing or information processing, for the compilation, analysis, interpretation and description of data.
Next followed the management and accounting processes for revenue and inventory and transaction data processing.
MIS was born and provides management with reports and knowledge to make business decisions.
The growth of decision support systems in technology has led to the development of product pricing, risk analysis and performance forecasts.
Soon came the period of desktop computers and Microsoft began to use tablets like Excel, Words and other software to promote strategic planning by handling information systems.
Next came corporate resource planning popularly referred to as ERP and today's robotics , artificial intelligence and human work equipment.
Today world over eCommerce is gaining ground and doing very well in USA and India with companies like amazon,Flip-kart and Alibaba clocking more than billion dollar sales every year giving a run to brick and mortar Companies a run for their money.
Today's manufacturers and refineries use less workers and more production highly automated.
All of the above are changes in networks and innovations in the information system and certain systems outdated problems in the old technology. Some occupations are becoming redundant and new circumstances are emerging and a new set of skills on demand are being developed.