The increasing order of growth
1. 1/n
2. 2^100
3. Log log n
4. Sqrt(log n)
5. Log^2 n
6. n^0.01
7. ceil(sqrt(n)), 3n^0.5
8. 2^log n , 5n
9. n log4n, 6 n log n
10. floor (2 n log^2 n)
11. 4 n^3/2
12. 4^log n
13. n^2 log n
14. n^3
15. 2^n
16. 4^n
17. 2˄2n
Step-by-step explanation:
When in doubt about two functions f(n) and g(n), consider log f(n) and log g(n).
Also note that Exponential growth is faster than polynomial.
i.e. the higher the degree of polynomial, the faster the growth.
I hope this helps, cheers.