9.002 < 9.022
When examining if a number is greater than or less than another number you need to look at each digit individually. Take for example 34 and 36, which is greater? Follow these steps:
Compare the first digits: 34, 35
3 is equal to 3
Compare the second digits 34, 35
4 is less than 5
We can then conclude that 34 is less than 35
Let's now look at 9.002 and 9.022
Compare the first digits: 9.002, 9.022
9 is equal to 9
Compare the second digits: 9.002, 9.022
0 is equal to 0
Compare the third digits: 9.002, 9.022
0 is less than 2
We can then conclude that 9.002 is less than 9.022.
But what are the symbols?
Less than: <
Greater than: >
Equal to: =
Less than or equal to: ≤
Greater than or equal to: ≥
Not equal to: ≠
About: ≈
So we can then say 9.002 < 9.022
Hope this helps!