Answer:The answer is seven or twenty one members committee
Step-by-step explanation:
The director's of a company are elected by the owners of the company and may act only as a committee, known as a board, and not individually. In the case of a new company they are either named in the articles of association of the company or are appointed by the subscribers (that is the first shareholders ) to the memorandum of association. Thereafter their tenure of office is as laid down in the articles which ensure that at regular intervals a stated proportion of the board must resign and offer themselves for re-election at the next annual general meeting. This gives the shareholders the opportunity to express their confidence in the retiring directors byre-electing them, or to show their dissatisfaction with the performance of the board by electing new directors.
The duties and responsibilities of the board of directors includes to acts as trustee for the funds subscribed by the members, and for the proper application of those funds.The board of directors also acts in the interest of the shareholders. The committee to be formed when a board of directors wants to form committee of its members are seven members committee or twenty one members committee but expert prefer seven members committee which comprises of the chairman of the board who also has a dual role as the chairman of the company, the managing director who also has a dual role as the chief executive officer of the company.others include the executive and non executive directors. The executive directors are full time executive of the company and have a functional managerial role in addition to their responsibilities as directors. While the non executive directors are part time executive and are appointed for a variety of reasons such as to gain experience and advice the company as an expert in his own field.