Your question is incomplete because it does not provide the statements, which are the following:
The motif of blood in the play highlights the destructive nature of revenge.
Because Queen Elizabeth did not have an heir, audiences in Shakespeare's time would likely have been interested in Hamlet's focus on succession.
Gertrude does what Claudius tells her to do because she has little power as a woman living in a male-dominated society.
-formalist lens :
The motif of blood in the play highlights the destructive nature of revenge.
-historical lens :
Because Queen Elizabeth did not have an heir, audiences in Shakespeare's time would likely have been interested in Hamlet's focus on succession.
-feminist lens:
Gertrude does what Claudius tells her to do because she has little power as a woman living in a male-dominated society.
Step-by-step explanation:
In literature, the critical lens refers to a literary analysis method, such as the author's style, plot, characters and theme.
The formalist lens includes the interpretation of the text according to the background of the author and includes theme, motifs and viewpoints and language style.
The historical lens deals with the social, cultural, political and historical context that surround the events in a text, their causes and effects.
Finally, the feminist lens refers to the reader's interpretation of the text through the eyes of a feminist, who compares the treatment of women in relation to men as regards sexism, social equality and opportunities.