a. because the region is located far from the equator, the amount of sunlight the region gets will be reduced. Because of this low intensity of sunlight the region receives the average temperature of the region will be very low at winter and a little above 0°C at summer.
b. Polar cell. The air above the surface of the station is cool and dry giving rise to a very cold climate in the region
c. 1 being a mountainous region, the air will be cool favoring a lot of precipitation
2. The ocean can also affect the temperatures, as they have a high heat capacity, so absorb heat in the summer and release it in the winter. They also cause lots of evaporation resulting in wet weather.
d. 1. ozone layer stops harmful UVB and UVC rays from reaching the surface, which can kill all living things,
2. The ozone layer also allows UV-A rays to get through, which are necessary for primary production, and therefore the support of all life on earth by food, nutrients, and oxygen.