So there are 3 subatomic particles: protons (positive charge), electron (negative charge), and neutron (neutral charge).
An ion is basically any element that has lost or gained electrons in its outermost shell to make itself stable, with 8 electrons in its outer shell (with a few exceptions). E.g the oxygen atom has an outer shell of 6 so to become stable it will need to pick up 2 electrons. As it does this it becomes a negatively charged ion, known as an anion.
A positively charged ion is known as a cation (you can remember this by it being ‘paw-sitive’, like a cat). Eg the calcium atom has an outer shell of 2 and to become stable it will remove 2 electrons, making it positively charged.
A covalent bond is 2 or more ions who chemically bond together by sharing an extra electron/s between them so they each become stable.