2 votes
You have just replaced the NIC on a server, making no other changes. It can communicate with all the computers on its network but one. What is the most likely explanation for this?

a. The new NIC is not working properly
b. Both computers have the same MAC address
c. The remote computer has the old MAC address entry in its ARP cache
d. The remote computer has a bad NIC

User Tvorog
4.2k points

1 Answer

3 votes


Option C is the correct option.

Step-by-step explanation:

When any user or the person change NIC from the server then, the following person is unable to make changes at that place and he exchange their information with the systems on its network because ARP cache stores all the previous Mac address entries through the remote computer. So, that's why the following option is correct according to the statement.

User Aleksandr Ivanov
4.0k points