The Value of the variable counter will be 3
Step-by-step explanation:
The code snipped given in the question will execute only three times.
The value of counter will be increased by 1 afer each execution with the initial value of counter set to 0
The condition while n>0 will hold true at the first iteration when n=6. (counter will be increased to 1) and n is reduced by 2 (new value of n =4).
The condition while n>0 will hold true at the second iteration when n=4-2 =2. (counter will be increased to 2) and n is reduced by 2 (new value of n =2).
The condition while n>0 will hold true at the third iteration when n=2-2. (counter will be increased to 3) and n is reduced by 2 (new value of n =0).
At the fourth iteration, the condition becomes false as the value of n is now zero and 0 is not greater than 0. So the the condition becomes false with the value of counter = 3