Answers are Header row options, descending options and the percentage field options.
Step-by-step explanation:
It is quite clear that text and paragraph options deal with the text, and hence these cannot be used for sorting the gases based on percentage. However, the header row is used, and the descending options and the percentage field options can also be used certainly for the above purpose, and that is to sort the gases based on the percentage. Any of the above three methods can be used, and I am explaining the header row option.
Select in the document all the columns that you want to sort by. And under the paragraph on the home tab, and inside the Data group, click on the sort option. Now you need to decide that you want to sort in ascending order or you want to sort in descending order. And then select the options button (Header Row) in the My list has the area in case the table has a header row. And finally, click Ok. And you are done.