Paolo and Francesca were two souls doomed to hell simply because Francesca loved Paolo more than herself, so much that she wanted to be with him forever that her wish was fulfilled.
Bruneto, who was the master of all the teachings of Dante and whom he thanked infinitely.
Step-by-step explanation:
Paolo and Francesca were two souls doomed to hell simply because Francesca loved Paolo more than herself, so much that she wanted to be with him forever that her wish was fulfilled. Now in hell they would be condemned to share all their experiences and suffer the hard existence in such a place, but love was what united them in spite of everything.
On the other hand, Bruneto, who was the master of all the Dante's teachings and whom he thanked infinitely, was also in hell condemned to not be able to escape the flames and never be able to stop his work there, in order not to receive a worse condemnation. Dante owed Bruneto in large instance, since he had been his teacher, who had blindly believed in him even though others did so aside.
Although Dante's sin is never revealed in history, it is simply a fact that is irrelevant to his experiences. However, it is possible to know their emotions of joy, greatness, impression, repulsion in some cases, compassion among others. The truth is that the writer is fortunate to share many scenarios and to see many stories reflected in the characters he finds in his path, such as when he meets his fellow writers in hell that make him feel very important and great.