From the data in the table, we see that the weight oscillates between two positions: 9 and -9cm. That means that, from the resting position (0), the weight bounces between 9 cm in one direction and 9 cm in other.
Let's identify the first time this weight is in its starting position, That's the first 0 in the table and we see that is after 1.25 seconds.
We can continue to follow the position of the weight:
- at 2.5 seconds it was at the maximum distance from the resting position in one direction
- at 3.75 seconds it was again in resting position
-at 5 seconds it was at the maximum distance from the resting position in other direction
- at 6.25 seconds it's again in resting position.
So, from 1.25 seconds to 6.25 seconds, the weight completed its oscilating cycle; it started from resting position, went to the maximum distance in both directions and finally returned to its resting potential.
The time weight took to complete a cycle was 6.25 - 1.25 = 5 seconds.