Please see the answer..hope its works
Step-by-step explanation:
The NMR spectrometer will acquire data for the wrong chemical shift range and you will potentially have skewed data when opening spinworks-NMR spectrometer examines a specific 12 ppm range based on the expected solvent peak, and if a different solvent is used a different range may be examined
To explain further, If the user declares the wrong solvent, one of two things may happen. Firstly, the spectrometer may not be able to establish a deuterium lock and will report an error and not run the sample. Secondly, the spectrometer may be able to establish a lock despite the fact that the deuterium signal is off resonance. If the lock is established, the field strength will be set to a value appropriate to put the declared solvent signal on-resonance. When a proton NMR spectrum is collected, the chemical shift scale will be incorrect by an amount equal to the proton chemical shift difference between the true solvent and the declared solvent.