1. Sargon of Akkad. Also known as the Sargon the Great, who reigned in Mesopotamia. He conquered all Mesopotamia and created the first multi-national empire in history. He created, trained and equiped the first standing army of 5400 soldiers in the city of Akkad. It was an advance in the creation of army structure and principles of war. Sargon reigned for 56 years and died in old age by natural causes.
2. Social stratification. It refers to a system of categorization of people into groups based on the socio-economic factors like wealth or income, etc. It represents a relative social position of a person within social groups, categories, geographical regions, or other. In modern Western societies social stratification is defined in terms of three social classes: upper class, middle class or lower class.
3. Polis. In Greek it literally means City. Polis consisted of fortified city centre (or asty) and controlled surrounding territories of land (khora). Through history, this term changed with the development of governance center in the city to signify the state. The basic elements of polis are self-governance, autonomy and independence. Plato analyzed polis in his book The Republic where he argued that the best form of government of polis is the one that leads to common good.
4. Uruk. Or The First City was an ancient city of Sumer, believed to be the oldest city structure in the world. It probably had 50-80 thousands residents living there. The legendary king Gilgamesh ruled Uruk in the 27th century BC. There were also other cities in Mesopotamia which can be considered as one of the first cities of the world. This presented a great development in the forms of organizations which lead to creation of first states and empires.
5. Priests. Religious ceremonies are performed by representatives of the Church. In Western culture, there is a religious leader who is authorized to perform sacred rituals of his religion. He represents a mediatory agent between humans and higher power, like God. Priests are common in almost all modern religions, but were active in older and politheistic religions. The position of priest is in priesthood.
6. Bourgeoisie. It is a french term which can mean a sociologically defined social class of people who consisted of craftspeople and traders who belong to the middle or upper middle classes. They stand opposite to working class or proletariat. They posses the means of production and property which they lend to proletariat to make profit for them.
7. Gilgamesh. He is a historical king of the Summerian city Uruk, a protagonist of an epic poem Epic of Gilgamesh. He ruled somewhere between 2800 and 2500 BC. This prominent figured influenced much of the later epic poems and literature in the world. But, until the mid-twentieth century he was not so known and it was believed that he was a fictional figure.