See explanation below.
If we assume a linear model with two variables and one intercept the model is given by:
![y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_(1j) +\beta_2 x_(2j)+ e_i](
The extension of this to a multiple regression modelwith p predictors is:
![y_i = \beta_0 + \sum_(j=1)^p \beta_j x_(ij) +e_i](
We assume that we have n individuals
![i \in [1,...,n]](
And the distribution for the errors is
![e_i \sim N(0,\sigma^2)](
and we can write this model with a design matrix X like this:
![y = Xb + e](
a nx1 response vector
represent the design matrix nx(p+1)
is a nx1 vector of ones, and
is a (p+1)x1 vector of coeffcients
is a nx1 error vector
![e \sim N(0_n , \sigma^2 I_n)](
![y|X \sim N (Xb, \sigma^2 I_n)](
Using ordinary least squares we need to minimize the following quantity:
![min_(b \in R^(p+1)) ||y-Xb||^2](
And for this case if we find the best estimator for
we got:
![\hat b= (X'X)^(-1) X' y](
And the fitted values can be written as:
![\hat y = X \hat b](
![\hat y = X(X'X)^(-1)X' y= Hy](
![H= X(X'X)^(-1) X'](
In order to see if any coefficnet is significant we can conduct the following hyppthesis:
Null hypothesis:
![b_j = b_j^*](
Alternative hypothesis:
![b_j \\eq b_j^*](
For some j in {0,1,....,p}
We need to use the following statistic:
![Z \sim N(0, 1)](
are square roots of the diagonals of the diagomals of