A given present to invent a past about could be a diary. A diary given at the age of 12 years old. The first diary given to someone, to write about the past and at the same time to create it.
Step-by-step explanation:
Creating or inventing a diary´s past is a way of killing or playin with time. A diary is made to write about the past, but at the same time it creates a new reality because what is written is only a recreation of what supposedly happened.
This diary's was a present given to a person, and this person never knew how much that would change her. Shelearned to put into written words what ever she lived, and it helped the person recreat the past and the present, or even invented.
This present was given to this person to recreate past, to made it up every time. It was a present to write about the past, and at the same time writting about it made it present in time.
In this text the use of present is taken in at least three meanings: present as time, present as a gift, and as a metaphor of recreating something and make it actual.