Ain't I a Woman?
Sojourner Truth who was a women rights activist, deliver one of the most famous speech in the history of America, which was called as ‘Ain’t I a Woman? The purpose of this speech was equal rights for women and black community.
During her speech, Sojourner quoted that, “As for intellect, all I can say is, if woman have a pint and man a quart—why can’t she have her little pint full?” By this she meant that if woman have a pint, and man a quart which is equal to two pints, then can’t a woman at least have her pint ‘full?’
This quote very well develops the idea of women’s rights. If a man gives woman her rights, then he shouldn’t be afraid of the thought that she will take much. Because she certainly won’t take any more than what her pint will hold.