"The transition or change in the living being from having a simple mechanism and structure of the body, to becoming a more complex being as the time passed on."
Each of the living beings evolved from a simple form of life to a more complex one. As there are always some factors which affects the living beings in the environment.
The dead animal and plants strata present inside the earth's layers, buried down in the layers. As time past on the dead animal and plants were covered by dust and soil.
Step-by-step explanation:
Evolution And Fossil records:
When we dig down the ground, and as paleontologists who studies the fossils and gives remarks on them. And categorize them according to there features, and resemblance to there modern successors, we can understand the changes that took place in the living beings all these years.
But, after studying and analyzing the fossilized records, we can only get about 1% of the total record and information about the ancient being which walked this earth in early times. Due to the fact that the solid bone structure of the fossilized beings are less in number to study.
Evolution happened?
Yes, evolution occurred and did happened in the living beings all these years of life. As it started from the organisms having worm like body, to the unicellular cells and then the formation of eukaryotic cells which led to the building up of a multi-cellular organism like there are now a days living on this earth.
- For example, If we take the example of the modern horses which roam the land now, the Equus is much different to its ancient predecessors Dwan horse(genus Hyracotherium) who were smaller in size, as it had several toes on each foot and teeth which were appropriate for browsing. As the modern horses are much larger in size, as it had one tooth, along with having the appropriate teeth for grazing on ground.
- Along, with that human beings also followed by the change in there genes and structure, as the earliest of the human beings were less developed. As they had a small brain and very different body structure. But, with time the human being evolved and developed.
- The cells evolved and gain development during the era of progression from a less developed form to a more developed form. As it evolved to a more complex form of being.