The viruses are some times also termed as some form of life, while the genetic sequence inside the viral genome is present in either RNA or DNA form.
Step-by-step explanation:
- Double Stranded DNA( dsDNA):
There are some properties or characteristics of the viral genomes of large size, which makes it important for them to have a double stranded DNA molecule.
- The viral genome usually have a large intragenic space between them, as the genes do not over lap each other.
- As the viral cell which have a dsDNA encodes enzymes which are mostly large in size as compared to their counterparts from free-living world,
- In the viral cell body the intron's occur in abundance inside the cell genome, as the high number needs to be adjusted inside the double strand of the DNA.
- Due to increase in size and number of the genetic sequence,along with the elements inside the viral genome, the assembly of the nucleotide elements and basis along with sugar elements is carried out in double stranded DNA form.
So, due to difference in properties of the large genome size, the arrangement is done in dsDNA form.