Choose what is true about the Han dynasty civil service:
Exams are required to qualify.
Farmers cannot take exams.
Positions are passed from father to son.
Positions are not hereditary.
Officials enjoy a life of comfort.
Officials cannot live in home district.
There are no limits on their power.
Exams are required to qualify
Positions are not
Officials enjoy a life of comfort
Officials cannot live in home district
Step-by-step explanation:
China had various dynasties in ancient times such as Xia Dynasty, Shang Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty and many more. But among all of them, there was a Han Dynasty during which most of the Chinese culture was established. It was an era of peace and prosperity and helped China to be one of the great power in the world. Emperor Gaozu worked with several educated men to run the empire efficiently. One of the key points of Han Dynasty civil service was to filter only intelligent men through examination and schools.