Final answer:
Metals have very good electrical conductivity. Metallic oxides are amphoteric. Nonmetals and some metalloids are gaseous at room temperature. Metals, nonmetals, and metalloids can be solid at room temperature. Nonmetals and some metalloids are brittle.
Step-by-step explanation:
Very good electrical conductivity:
The property of very good electrical conductivity describes
Amphoteric, able to form acidic OR basic compounds:
The property of being amphoteric and able to form acidic or basic compounds describes
metallic oxides
Gaseous at room temperature:
The property of being gaseous at room temperature describes
nonmetals or some metalloids
Solid at room temperature:
The property of being solid at room temperature describes
metals, nonmetals, and metalloids
The property of being brittle describes
nonmetals and some metalloids