Hi ines! I don´t know if this will help you! i made my self
Step-by-step explanation:
1914 – 1918
We think of war, we think of a conflict.
Not one, not two, but three allies, against three adversaries.
Also called the triple alliance and the triple entente.
Each battle has a winner, as does a loser.
And always a leader behind everything.
Marne, Galipoli, Verdun, Somme, Cambrai;
These battles were important in this war.
All the soldiers felt pain, fear, of not knowing if they were going to survive the war;
With our knees together, we crawled as we could through the mud.
We get to the flashes of lights;
We turned around and started walking towards that distant rest.
Russia to the east, France to the west, and Germany had the best.
Schlieffen counted on German victory , in the West would be quick;
And that Russian mobilisation would be slow.
The power to convince goes in what the person can see.
If it is something imaginary, you will not trust,
that is why propaganda was made of.