Step-by-step explanation:
T(Tension in each cable from seat alone) = (10kg x g)/2
T= 49N.
Kate is 0.2m. from the right cable, so is 1.3m. from the left one. So Now to find extra tension in the left cable and right cable
T=(55kg x g)/((1.3/0.2) + 1)
T= 71.867N. extra tension in the left cable
And (55kg x g) - 71.867 = 467.133N. extra in the right cable.
a) Force of right cable = (467.133 + 49) = 516.13N.
b) Force left cable = (71.867 + 49) = 120.87N.
9.8 used for g.
Worked on ratio. (55*g) = 539N.,
and (1.3/0.2) = 6.5:1 ratio, so you add the sides of the ratio, = 7.5 'parts'.
(539/7.5) = minimum figure of 71.867N
and therefore the other tension is (539 - 71.867)= 467.133N.