Exercise Plan (ExPlan), Extent of Play Agreements (XPAs), C/E Handbook, MSEL, and EEG are documents that would be used in a Full-scale Exercise (FSE).
Step-by-step explanation:
Full-scale exercises are typically the most complex and resource-intensive type of
exercise because they are staged in a realistic field environment and involve many
participants. Full-scale exercises give the team an opportunity to practice and validate
their plans, policies, and a wide variety of the skills covered in CERT Basic Training.
Volunteers play the role of victims and moulage is used to add realism. These exercises
may involve other agencies, although role-players representing other agencies can be
used if desired.
Full-scale exercises begin with a description of the scenario. An Incident Commander
(IC) and Command Post Team serve at the Incident Command Post and other
participants organize into functional teams to size up the situation and complete tasks
as assigned. Personnel and resources may be mobilized and deployed to the scene
where actions would be conducted, as if a real incident had occurred. The full-scale
exercise simulates reality by presenting complex and realistic problems that require
critical thinking, rapid problem solving, and effective responses by trained personnel.
The exercise site for a full-scale exercise may require a large indoor and/or outdoor
space, and site logistics require planning. Safety issues, particularly regarding the use
of props and special effects, must be monitored. Throughout the duration of the
exercise, many activities occur simultaneously and numerous Facilitators and
Evaluators are needed. Participant learning is reinforced and feedback is provided
through a hot wash at the conclusion of the exercise.