Easy words paragraph #1
Predicting tides has always been important to people who look to the sea for their livelihood. Commercial and recreational fishermen use their knowledge of the tides and tidal currents to help them improve their catches. Depending on the species and water depth in a particular area, fish may concentrate during ebb or flood tidal currents. In some areas, strong tidal currents concentrate bait and smaller fish, attracting larger fish. In addition, knowledge of the tides has also been of interest to recreational beachgoers and surfers.
More Harder words paragraph #1
Foreseeing tides has continuously been vital to individuals who see to the ocean for their vocation. Commercial and recreational anglers utilize their information of the tides and tidal streams to assist them move forward their catches. Depending on the species and water profundity in a specific zone, angle may concentrate amid recede or surge tidal streams. In a few zones, solid tidal streams concentrate trap and littler angle, pulling in bigger angle. In expansion, information of the tides has too been of intrigued to recreational beachgoers and surfers.
Easy paragraph #2
Tidal flow provides one of the three main things that fish need: food. Current sweeps drag small marine animals and plants along with it, concentrating them in small whirlpools where a structure such as reefs or rocks disrupts the flow of water. All types of fish benefit from this, gathering where the food is concentrated. When small fish and smaller organisms are washed in with the rising tide, the larger fish will follow and feed on them, leaving when the food source is finished.
Hard paragraph #2
Tidal stream gives one of the three fundamental things that angle require: nourishment. Current clears drag little marine creatures and plants beside it, concentrating them in little whirlpools where a structure such as reefs or rocks disturbs the stream of water. All sorts of angle advantage from this, gathering where the nourishment is concentrated. When little angle and littler life forms are washed in with the rising tide, the bigger angle will take after and bolster on them, clearing out when the nourishment source is finished.
(I am so sorry if I wrote a lot more than you wanted!) Feel free to put these in your own sentences. I made a easy to understand but less vocabulary and a hard to understand but more vocabulary.