Listed following are several objects in the solar system. Rank these objects from left to right based on their orbital period around the Sun from shortest to longest.
A typical asteroid in the asteroid belt, a trojan asteroid, a typical kuiper belt object, a typical oort cloud object
Ranking of the objects from left to right based on their orbital period around the sun from shortest to longest
- a typical asteroid in the asteroid belt
- a typical Oort cloud object
Step-by-step explanation:
Half the mass of the belt is present in the largest four asteroids, they are ceres, vesta, pallas and hygiea. The asteroid belt total mass is 4% than that of moon, 22% Pluto. The three dwarf planets are present in the Kuiper belt Pluto, Haumea and Makemake. The spherical layer of icy objects around the sun are Oort cloud. Objects in the Oort cloud are made up of water ice, ammonia, and methane. It is spherical from outer and and torous shaped from inside.