Answer: Hyponatremia(low serum sodium level)
Step-by-step explanation:
This is a condition where the sodium serum Level drops to less than 136mEqL.Sodium regulates electrolyte water balance of the body by regulating the amount of water that enter the cells.Therefore when it level drops water concentration rises increasing the water potential surrounding the cells(extracellular) but not of the intacellular fluids
.Less water is reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule(PCT) of tthe Nephon. Since low sodium is available little will be reabsorbed by the PCT for reabsorption of water.
it is cause by liver diseases,diarrhoea, intake of large or too much water,hormonal imbalances etc
Headache, confusion, nausea, vomiting.and coma.
Controlled or moderate water intake
Treatment of related diseases.
Necessary precautions during intense activities.