A. Tuberculosis
Step-by-step explanation:
BCG vaccine (Bacillus of Calmette and Guérin) was created in 1921 by Léon Calmette and Alphonse Guérin. Protects against severe forms of tuberculosis, a contagious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which mainly affects the lungs and, if untreated, can cause serious breathing problems, weight loss, weakness and even death. The vaccine is the only type of immunization against the disease and should be given as a single dose.
Pentavalent vaccine protects against 5 diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliovirus and infections caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b (meningitis, pericarditis, pneumonia, arthritis and osteomyelitis).
- Diphtheria causes inflammation and injury to parts of the airway and may lead to the death.
- Pertussis may progress to severe conditions with pulmonary, neurological, hemorrhagic complications and dehydration
- And polio in some cases causes paralysis, especially in the legs.