The explained gives the merits of tuples over the lists and dictionaries.
Step-by-step explanation:
Tuples can be used to store the related attributes in a single object without creating a custom class, or without creating parallel lists..
For example, if we want to store the name and marks of a student together, We can store it in a list of tuples simply:
data = [('Jack', 90), ('Rochell', 56), ('Amy', 75)]
# to print each person's info:
for (name, marks) in data:
print(name, 'has', marks, 'marks')
# the zip function is used to zip 2 lists together..
Suppose the above data was in 2 parallel lists:
names = ['Jack', 'Rochell', 'Amy']
marks = [90, 56, 75]
# then we can print same output using below syntax:
for (name, marks) in zip(names, marks):
print(name, 'has', marks, 'marks')
# The enumerate function assigns the indices to individual elements of list..
# If we wanted to give a index to each student, we could do below:
for (index, name) in enumerate(names):
print(index, ':', name)
# The items method is used in dictionary, Where it returns the key value pair of
# the dictionary in tuple format
# If the above tuple list was in dictionary format like below:
marksDict = {'Jack': 90, 'Rochell': 56, 'Amy': 75}
# Then using the dictionary, we can print same output with below code:
for (name, marks) in marksDict.items():
print(name, 'has', marks, 'marks')