The function
{\ displaystyle f (z) = {\ frac {z} {1- | z | ^ {2}}}} {\ displaystyle f (z) = {\ frac {z} 1-
It is an example of real and bijective analytical function from the open drive disk to the Euclidean plane, its inverse is also an analytical function. Considered as a real two-dimensional analytical variety, the open drive disk is therefore isomorphic to the complete plane. In particular, the open drive disk is homeomorphic to the complete plan.
However, there is no bijective compliant application between the drive disk and the plane. Considered as the Riemann surface, the drive disk is therefore different from the complex plane.
There are bijective conforming applications between the open disk drive and the upper semiplane and therefore determined as Riemann surfaces, are isomorphic (in fact "biholomorphic" or "conformingly equivalent"). Much more in general, Riemann's theorem on applications states that the entire open set and simply connection of the complex plane that is different from the whole complex plane admits a bijective compliant application with the open drive disk. A bijective compliant application between the drive disk and the upper half plane is the Möbius transformation:
{\ displaystyle g (z) = i {\ frac {1 + z} {1-z}}} {\ displaystyle g (z) = i {\ frac {1 + z} {1-z}}}
which is the inverse of the transformation of Cayley.