Immanuel Kant
Step-by-step explanation:
Immanuel Kant born in 1724, in the Baltic city of konigsberg now belongs to Russia and renamed kaliningrad, a philosopher who tried to figure out how human beings could be good and kind outside religion.
Kant’s formula, which he revised several times, is known as the “categorical imperative”, which states that we should act only in a way that we think anyone else in the same situation should also act: “Act only on that maxim which you can at the same time will to become a universal law.” So it would be wrong to lie, because we could not possibly will that everyone lied. Kant said that it was “categorical” – an absolute duty – to act on this principle of “ universalisability” He also said that it was our duty to treat other people as ends in themselves , never as means to an end, that is, we must not use them for our own purposes.