Boy code
Step-by-step explanation:
The Boy Code is a collection of generally non-verbal rules and boundaries that tend to characterize boyhood and masculinity in America, according to William Pollack, PhD, author of Real Boys.
The Boy Code's four foundational pillars are:
- The Sturdy Oak - Men and Boys must not be frail. No weeping, whimpering or hurt gestures allowed.
- Give ‘Em Hell - Boys are considered to be extremely active risk-takers who are physically violent. Boys often learn quickly that most of their poor behavior will be brushed off as "boys will be boys."
- The Big Wheel - Rank and superiority are vital; it's important to try to get to the top of the rankings, regardless of the cost. There's no embarrassment.
- No Sissy Stuff - Feelings are the women's domain, according to the Law. Especially feelings of tenderness.