Step-by-step explanation:
Eight parts of speech for example can be:
- Adjectives - they are naming an attribute of a noun, for example, sweet, tasty, red, white, purple, blue, orange, technical, round, square, windy
- Nouns - they are used to identify object, place, person, things and more. For example, Mark, Luca, Alexander, chair, table, food, Australia, Belgrade, Paris, France, Danube
- Pronouns - They are replacing noun in the sentence. Pronouns are: I, you, we, they, them, my, your, its, our, them, us...
- Numbers - they can be used as nouns or as adjectives and they can be ordinal and cardinal. The first, the second, the third, one, two, three, four, five, six, sixty-one, thirty-two, ten, eleven
- Verbs - They are describing action, occurrence or state. For example: hear, eat, happen, think, forget, care, prefer, remember, appear, fit, cost, owe, own, sound, touch, taste
- Interjection - they are expressing the emotions. For example: Oh, Ouch, Huh, Woohoo, Yay, Dear me, Ah, Hurrah, Wow, Aha, Yahoo, Oops
- Adverb - they can modify or qualify verb and adjective. For example: Then, there, gentle, inside, deeply, too, fairly, rather, fully, almost, usually, never, normally, already, easily
- Preposition - they are used to link nouns, pronouns or phrases. For example: next, plus, within, until, with, upon, up, unto, until, into, on to, for, from, following, after, across, against