2 votes

How would you recommend improving the legislative branch of the American federal government? Why?

User Serenn
6.4k points

1 Answer

2 votes
improving the long-term management environment--reducing congressionally mandated reports, biennial budgeting, developing performance measures, and streamlining the procurement and civil service systems- -are dependent on improving comity and trust between Congress and the executive branch. As a result, the need for improvement is imperative.

A bridging or linking mechanism is needed to provide continuing attention to legislative-executive relations. It could be patterned after the Administrative Conference of the United States or the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations. It could serve as a forum to:

Create effective oversight processes in Congress by, for example, clarifying which committees have oversight responsibilities for specific agencies;

Develop a system to coordinate executive officials' testimony before congressional committees;

Establish regular staff working groups to facilitate interbranch communications during policy development and implementation;

Encourage committees and agencies to develop systematic, regular, and comprehensive oversight of programs and policies;

Orient oversight hearings away from a preoccupation with the use of inputs and control for a constructive focus that creates an emphasis on outcomes and capacity building in executive agencies;

Sponsor staff exchange programs and forums; and

Identify opportunities to reduce congressionally mandated reports and facilitate the sharing of executive branch information.

This forum should periodically report its agenda and progress to both the President and bipartisan congressional leaders.

User Floriank
6.5k points