I'll just pass you my notes so it's easier for you cause I don't know hoy to explain that well xD.
How to Conjugate Present Tense Verbs in French -
La Conjugaison des Verbes Réguliers au Présent
· The present tense of verbs in French covers both the simple present and present continuous tenses in English.
Je parle: I speak, I am speaking
Tu marches: you walk, you are walking
· There are three types of verbs in French: verbs that end in -er, verbs that end in -ir, and verbs that end in -re.
To make it easier to know how to conjugate French verbs, all French verbs are divided into three groups. Except for the verbs that are irregular, all verbs from the same group are conjugated the same.
The verbs that end in -er belong to the first group, the verbs that end in -ir belong to the second group, and the verbs that end with either -re (basically all the others) belong to the third group.
So in order to determine which group a specific verb belongs to, you simply look at the last two letters of the verb in its infinitive form. An "infinitive" is any verb in its most neutral phase, when it has not yet been conjugated (modified) for a specific subject or tense.
For example, "to sing" (chanter) is the infinitive of "sang" and "to finish" (finir) is the infinitive of "finishes," etc. For obvious reasons, chanter is an -er verb (from the 1st group), finir is an -ir verb (from the second group) and comprendre is a -re verb (from the third group.) Here are some additional verbs from each group:
parler: to speak (1st group)
rougir: to blush (2nd group)
descendre: to go down, descend (3rd group)
1st group 2nd group 3rd group
-er -ir -re
chanter rougir descendre
manger finir attendre
Conjugating present tense verbs is easy: you just drop the –er, -ir, or –re ending and add the present ending corresponding to the subject doing the action. The following three charts show the present endings for all persons and for each verb group. You need to become very familiar with those endings. Spend as much time as you need reading and repeating these three sets of endings in your head or out loud.
-er verb endings
je -e nous -ons
tu -es vous -ez
il -e ils -ent
elle -e elles -ent
on -e
-ir verb endings
je -is nous -issons
tu -is vous -issez
il -it ils -issent
elle –it elles -issent
on -it
-re verb endings
je -s nous -ons
tu –s vous -ez
*il - d or -t ils -ent
*elle –d or –t elles -ent
*on –d or –t
Step-by-step explanation:
I suggest you take a small piece of paper and copy the last 3 parts, so you have it with you at all times. remember that you are only changing the last 2 words of the word; like parler( to talk), if you want to say "we talk", instead of writing "nous parler" you get rid off the er and write "nous parlons". I really hope this helps and if you have anymore questions please let me know ^^
1. Nous preferons jouer au foot
2. Tu preferes faire du footing?
3. Amina preferes manger des frites
4. M. et Mme Lazzize, ils preferent aller...
5. Moi, je preferes aller au parc
6. Sophie et malika, elles preferent ecouter la musique alternative
7. On prefered paler francais
8. vous preferez manger a la maison?
I am no expert, but I hope these are right and my notes have helped you a bit